Monday, June 1, 2015

The Northerner: June - July 2015

FROM YOUR POST COMANDER: Well, another Election and a new year to begin soon. I want to thank everyone for their hard work and endless hours of dedication to our post and the American Legion. I appreciate all the time and members who have cleaned out and organized our store rooms and office. The office looks amazing, your efficiency is also amazing. So much has been accomplished. I look forward to another year as your Commander. It is an honor and privilege. I am still learning and have learned much thanks to all of you and others. Thank You.
For God and Country, Michael Nigg

From the Jr. Vice Commander: The cold winter is gone and spring is in the air which means lots of post events are around the corner. The Fourth of July we will celebrate with a pancake breakfast, followed by the parade downtown. Please be sure to check the calendar for all other meetings and events. As this legion year is coming to a close I want to thank all of the officers and members for making this a most interesting and eventful year. I wish the newly elected officers best wishes for a successful year.
For God and Country,
Ken Grover
Jr. Vice Commander

From The Finance Officer: The Financial report as of May 19th: General Fund, $3652.92 Membership, $794.28 Bingo fund $5470.67. Thank you to everyone for all the help in keeping our post in the Black.
Betty Luther
Finance Officer

From The Ladies’ Auxiliary: Hi ladies: We are on the verge of a new year here at the legion. Our new officers for the coming year are: Bev Muns President, Betty Luther 1st Vice President, Mary McMillan 2nd Vice President, Margaret Jarmillo Treasurer, Karen Horn Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain to be announced. Our meeting is on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00. Please feel free to come join us. Drop by the legion and check out the changes that are being made.
Bev Muns
Auxiliary President

BINGO COMMITTEE: Bingo STILL needs volunteers to run the games AND work in the kitchen. The present crew is tired and in danger of being burned out. Please fin it in your heart to come in and help, even just occasionally.
Robert “Mac” McMillen
Bingo Manager

LAST WORD: We have over 500 dues-paying members, but only 19 people showed up to vote during our recent election. Isn’t that sad? We have some GREAT events and opportunities coming up this summer, including a visit from William Shatner, the original Captain Kirk from the TV and movie series STAR TREK, on June 28th , and we’d like him to meet as many members as possible! ( Please start taking an interest and spending some of your valuable time in your Post, and see and hear first-hand what’s going on. Meanwhile, the newsletter, calendars, and other info on upcoming events can be found on our website,
Scott Woods

ELECTION RESULTS: Your new Post Officers for the year 2015-2016 are:
Commander: Michael Nigg
Senior Vice Commander: Ken Muns
Junior Vice Commander: TBA
Finance Officer: Betty Luther
Executive Committee: John Thomson,  Jacob Phelps,  Robert (Mac) McMillen
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jacob Phelps
Bar Committee: Sean Eatherly
Congratulations to all!!