Well, what a busy time we are all having! Cookouts, raffles, auctions, 50-50’s, etc… have put us in the black, financially. However, we must keep up the momentum. Thanks to the work by all, and new volunteers have made these things possible. All posts have been filled; it has been some time since that has been the case. Our Club Committee, Finance Officer, Adjutant, Judge Advocate, Service Officer, Drivers, Carl, Maryanne, Bartenders, and all others involved have been extraordinary. We have so many new members and transfers. Many are young and enthusiastic. We have had a steady stream of signups, throughout. There have been a few bumps in the road, along the way. We, together, are working to smooth it all out. We are all learning every single day, so let’s keep helping each other out. Our Ladies Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion continue to do super work. It is much appreciated. We have received donations from many businesses in our wonderful big town, and many hours spent selflessly by everyone in, and everyone who deals with our post.
There have been many meetings, forums, etc… that I and others have attended. These have been well attended by dozens of veterans groups, support groups, community, political, and current military personnel. All of this involvement has blessed our post, and all concerned.
Michael Nigg
FROM YOUR SR. VICE: Greetings to all members, hope all is going well for you and yours. I have the figures for our current membership here at your American Legion Post. District 7- American Legion Post 3 Mark A. Moore, Flagstaff, AZ. Our goal is 533 members, our current membership is 259 which puts us at 48.59% we still have some time to recruit more members, so... let's put the word out there. We are getting very close to that time of year when we start getting colds and flu like symptoms, so... take your vitamins, eat healthy, drink plenty of wa-ter and stay positive. Myself and our Post Com-mander have attended a couple of Veteran's funer-als since our installation. We thank the Lord our Father that it has only been a few that have been recalled to the Lords Kingdom. Due to the Privacy Act, I cannot disclose any of their names. I leave you with the wishes of good health and much suc-cess for all, Amen.
Orrin Chimerica
Sr. Vice Commander/Chaplain
Greetings Everyone,
I hope this newsletter finds you in good spirts and health. We've had quite a few changes at the post and are looking forward to more improvements, but as with anything, you will have concerns. That's where your voice is essential to the future of the post. I'm here to represent you so please feel free to contact or email me, it might be negative but I can't address it if I don't know about it. We have a few events coming your way so please come out and participate. On September 5 we had a Route 66 event which was successful and everyone seemed to have a great time, thank you to all who attended and contributed. In October we are hoping to do a few more events, Oct 25th will be our Annual Children's Halloween party from 2 pm-5pm, as usual we will have a costume contest, games and prizes, along with refreshments. On Oct. 31st Halloween night we are planning an Adult Halloween costume party 7:00 p.m. - ?. Refreshments will be available, if you don't want to dress up that's fine all we ask is you make a small donation to go towards prizes and food, etc.
In November is our Annual Xmas Bazaar to take place on Nov. 8th, 10:00 am - 3 p.m. Food will be sold so please come out and support the vendors and if your wish to reserve a table we are currently doing that now, it will be $30.00 a table. We also have our Veterans Day luncheon coming up and are asking auxiliary members to bring a dish or dessert to help feed the masses. Please drop off the day before or by 11:00 a.m. if possible on that day.
I also want to apologize to you if you have not received your newsletter, with all the changes at the post it's been a little rocky to get things going. With that being said, the post could use some help with bingo that includes the kitchen and also our family fish fry. You don't have to help each night but even one night out of the month would help....... Any help is welcomed at any events just give me a call or email and I'll get back to you. 928-779-0046 or ritaisa2@yahoo.com. One last item, I want to extend our prayers and get well wishes to Thelma Goodwin, she's amazing and has been under the weather, hope you’re feeling better soon, we love ya. In closing, I hope you will renew your membership and come to the meetings. Our next one will be October 9th at 6:00 p.m. at the post.
FROM THE FINANCE OFFICER: All current bills paid to date. $5000 in general fund account. Bingo Fund: $586.56. Membership fund: $2623.70.
FROM THE CLUB COMMITTEE: Please have patience as the Club undergoes some bumps and issues during the Post’s changes. Everyone is working with the benefit of ALL members in mind, and feel free to volunteer to help out!
MEMBERSHIP DUES: The 2015 Membership Cards are in and you can pay your dues for the following year at any time. You can either mail them in, pay on line or bring them by the Post. The dues are still $30.00 per year.
The Post has one meeting a month, and it would be nice to see some new faces at the meetings, and some fresh ideas on what you would like to see at the Post. The meetings are held on the 2nd
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Things cannot happen if no one attends.
LAST WORD: We’re all trying to do smart things to reduce costs and make things more efficient. To that I end, I am trying to save money on postage and printing of the Newsletter and Calendar. If you could share your e-mail address with us, and let us know if two or more persons in your household are receiving the Newsletter, that would be great. Also, both publications will be available on our new (And Improved!) website, . Thanks! www.flgal3.orgAll donations (and comments) gratefully accepted!
Scott Woods, Adjutant (Interim)
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