Hello everyone, another year in full swing. Meetings and Ceremonies
inside and outside of the Post. Our cookouts, Bingo and Fish Fry's are still
moving forward. More work in the kitchen with the stove and hookups.
Sean Kane does our electric work and landscaping. We have Shawn
Owens, Scott Woods and Betty Luther taking care of the Post business
making me look excellent!!! Bev Muns our great kitchen manager has the
lovely and talented Deena as assistant in the kitchen and Bev is lovely and
talented also. Ken Munds fixes many things in our kitchen and etc. We
have Mary who does an amazing job as our events manager and along with
her husband Mac working Bingo and calling.A big thanks to our Ladies
Axillary and Son's of the American Legion for all they contribute to out
Post. I thank everyone for their hard work and please other members, come
forward and help out Your Post!!!
For God and Country,
Michael Nigg
We would like to thank the new member
of the Post family who have recently steped up
to help during Bingo. Christina McGuire, Sean
Golliher, and Nick Hozian have all pitched in,
and their help has been awesome. We still need
more help, both with the Bingo itself and the
kitchen during Bingo, and all donations are
gratefully accepted. Even if you can only spare
one night a month, that would relieve the regular
staff for an occasional break. This is important
work, which supports a large percentage of the
Post’s costs and events, and if the Bingo was to
be reduced to one night a week because of
staffing, we would lose a great deal of money.
The Bingo Committee was happy to help
out in paying for the recent repairs to the walkin
cooler, which totaled over $2100.
Robert “Mac” McMillen
Bingo Manager
From The Finance Officer:
The finance report as of September 21st is as
The General Fund: $640
Bar Fund: $418
Bingo Fund: $2665
Membership Fund: $1174.29.
We have had large kitchen expenses this
month. The walkin and the grill have both
gone down and are being repaired. Come on
out and patronize your Post #3!
Betty Luther
Finance Officer
From the Auxiliary:
Hi ladies! Hope all of you had good summer and are
ready for fall. Our first event will be the kids
Halloween party. This will be on Halloween day, Oct
31st, from 11:00 to 1:00. There will be games, crafts,
a costume contest and prizes. There will be hot dogs,
cookies, punch and lots more. Bring the kids and
enjoy the fun. Also put Dec. 19th on your calendar
for the kids Christmas party. We will be having our
Christmas Bazaar on Sat. Nov 21st from 8:00 to
4:00. If you are interested in a table call Mary at 600-
3338. The tables are $30.00 each or 2 for $50.00. If
that's not your thing, just come and see what everyone
has to offer. We be serving breakfast and lunch. We
have a new chaplain. If you know anyone who needs
to be remembered just give Cecilia Navarro a call at
213-0624. Our next meeting will be Thur. Oct 15th at
6:00. Love to have you join us.
Bev Muns
Auxiliary President
From The Senior Vice:
Legion members, its time to step up and pay your
dues while they are still $30.00. After the first of the
year the dues will be $40.00. If anyone knows a
person or persons who would be interested in joining
the American Legion let us know. Don't forget to
come to the Friday Fish Fry, Sunday and
Wednesday bingo, Thursday football. We need
your support.
Ken Muns
Senior Vice
My fellow Legionnaires,
For the past 9 years I have been a volunteer in the capacity of transportation coordinator to assist veterans in getting to and from their
medical appointments in Prescott, Phoenix, and Flagstaff. We currently provide services for 400-600 clients who live in Northern Arizona.
Because I have has recent changes to my health, I find it necessary to step down from a full time volunteer status. This means I can no
longer cover the coordinator’s desk Monday through Friday. I am appealing to anyone who is willing to step up to this voluntary position to
insure that our veterans can continue to get transportation assistance to their medical appointments to receive needed treatment. As my
health permits, I will assist any new volunteers in learning the coordinator’s position. Any volunteers please obtain an application packet
from the DAV transportation office in the Post. Please help those who have helped us with their service to our country in the past.
Sincerely, Karl Snider
LAST WORD: Many thanks to the crew (Ken Muns, Mike Brabeck, Wayne DeBons, Ron Kosola, and Steve Surface) who spent an
entire day working on the kitchen stove. It was a dirty job, and someone had to do it. Also, in addition to the vote coming up on
13OCT15 regarding the dues increase, we have, with the help of Lyman Grover, a VERY astute volunteer from the NAU RSVP
Program, developed a new Post Constitution and By-Laws, which we will be expecting to vote on in the December 2015 General
Meeting. These documents will be available in the Post for review, and posted on the website shortly, so everyone who is
interested can view them. Meanwhile, the newsletter, calendars, and other info on upcoming events can be found on our website,
Scott Woods
Mark A. Moore Post 3
204 W. Birch Ave
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
Telephone: (928) 774-7682
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
of Mark A. Moore Post 3,
American Legion, Department of Arizona
For God and Country we associate ourselves for the following purposes: to uphold and defend
the constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and
perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our
associations in the great wars; to inoculate a sense of individual obligation to the Community,
State, and Nation; to combat the autocracy of both classes and masses; to make right the master
of might; to promote peace and goodwill on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the
principals of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by
our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Mark A. Moore Post 3, The American Legion,
Department of Arizona.
Section 1. The objectives and purposes of this post shall be to promote the principles and
policies as set forth in the forgoing preamble, and the National and Departmental Constitutions
of The American Legion.
Section 1. This post shall be a civilian organization and membership therein does not affect or
increase liability for military or police service.Section 2. This organization shall be absolutely non-political and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles or for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment.
Section 3. Rank shall not exist in The American Legion; no member shall be addressed by his military or naval title in any meeting of this post.
Section 1. Eligibility to membership in this post shall be as prescribed in the National
Constitution of The American Legion.Section 2. Application for membership shall be made in writing under such regulations as may from time to time be prescribed by the National Constitution of the American Legion.
Section 3. All applications for membership may be acted upon at the next post meeting following the making of such application, and may at such meeting, be accepted, rejected, or referred for further investigation and consideration. When a majority of the members at such meeting cast their vote against the acceptance of said application, then such application shall be recorded as rejected.
Section 4. Members may be suspended or expelled from the American Legion only upon proper showing of cause, and upon proceedings as provided for in the Officers Guide, A Practice and Procedure in the Expulsion or Suspension of a Member of the American Legion. Any appeal shall be taken to the Department Executive Committee, and the case shall be tried anew. The decision of the Department Executive Committee in such cases shall be final.
Section 5. A member who has been expelled or suspended from this post for any cause may be reinstated to membership by a majority vote of the membership present in post meeting, and the payment of the current dues for the year in which the reinstatement occurs.
Section 6. No person who has been expelled by a post shall be admitted to membership in this post, without the consent of the expelling post, except that where such consent has been asked for and denied by such post, s/he may then appeal to the Department Executive Committee of the Department of the expelling post, and shall be ineligible for membership until such permission is granted.
Section 1. The administrative affairs of this post of The American Legion shall, except as may
be otherwise provided by the by-laws, be under the supervision of an Executive Committee
which shall consist of three (3) members in addition to the officers of the post. The term of office
of members of the Executive Committee shall be for one year. This post, by its Bylaws, may
provide for such other standing committees as the business of the organization may require.Section 2. The officers of this post shall be a Post Commander, Vice Commanders, a Post Adjutant, a Finance Officer, a Post Historian, a Post Chaplain, a Post Service Officer, and a Sergeant-at-Arms, and such officers as may be deemed necessary by this organization, who shall be nominated from the floor at the meeting preceding the annual election.
Section 3. The post shall elect its officers for the ensuing year not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the Arizona Department convention of that year, and such officers shall be installed within the forty-five (45) days prior to the convention of that year, or not later than the first meeting of September of such year. All installations of officers of this post shall be subject to the approval of the District Commander.
Section 4. The personal liability of each member of the Executive Committee and each uncompensated officer of the post or its members, for monetary or other damages, for conduct as an executive committee person, or officer, or member shall be eliminated to the full extent permitted by law.
Section 5. All officers and executive committee members shall hold office until their successors are installed or as otherwise provided. Any officer or executive committee member may be removed for inefficiency by the executive committee, a 2/3 vote in favor of removal by said committee shall effect such removal.
Section 6. Every member of this post in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in this post.
Section 7. The duties of officers and the executive committee shall be those usually appertaining to such officers or committee and as further provided by the post Bylaws.
Section 1. The revenue of this post shall be derived from membership or initiation fees, from
annual membership dues and from such other sources as may be approved by the post Executive
Committee.Section 2. The amount of such membership or initiation fees and the amount of such annual post dues shall be fixed and determined by this post.
Section 3. The post shall pay to Arizona Department Headquarters the National and Departmental annual membership dues for every member of the post.
Section 1. Members who joined this post prior to November 11, 1918 shall be known as charter
Section 1. This post may recognize auxiliary organizations, including but not limited to
American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion, and American Legion Riders, which
shall be known as Auxiliary Units of Mark A. Moore Post 3, The American Legion.Section 2. Membership in the Auxiliaries shall be as prescribed by the National Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary.
Section 1. This constitution is adopted subject to the previsions of the National Constitution of
The American Legion and the Department Constitution. Any amendment to said National
Constitution or Department Constitution which is in conflict with any provisions hereof shall be
regarded as automatically repealing or modifying the provisions of this Constitution to the extent
of such conflict.Section 2. This constitution may be amended at any regular post meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members of said post attending such regular meeting, providing that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing and made available at the next preceding meeting of said post, and providing, further, that written notice shall have been given to all members at least 30 days in advance of the date when such amendment is to be voted on, notifying said members that such meeting a proposal to amend the Constitution is to be voted upon.
Approved By
______________________________Post Commander
______________________________Vice Commander
On This Day _______________________________
PROPOSED American Legion Post 3 BYLAWS
of Mark A. Moore Post No. 3,
American Legion, Department of Arizona
Section 1. The Post existing under these Bylaws shall be known as Mark A. Moore Post
#3, The American Legion, Department of Arizona.NAME
Section 2. The objects of this Post shall be as set in the constitution.
Section 1. The government and management of the post shall be entrusted to an
executive committee, to be known as the Executive Committee.MANAGEMENT
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of three (3) elected at-large members in addition to the elected officers of this post. All shall be elected annually not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the Arizona Department Convention. All elections of officers and at-large members shall be by ballot and the candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to the respective office for which they are candidates.
Section 3. All vacancies existing in the Executive Committee from any cause other than the expiration of the term shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the committee, and a person appointed shall hold office for the remaining unexpired term of the member of the committee whom s/he succeeds. A vacancy shall exist when an Executive Committee member is absent from his/her position for a continuous period considered detrimental to the interest of the post by the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be for organizational and such
other business as may come before it at the call of the Post Commander within ten (10)
days after the installation of the new Officers. Thereafter the executive committee shall
meet as often as the post commander may deem necessary.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DUTIES
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall hire such employees as may be necessary; shall authorize and approve all expenditures; shall require adequate bonds from all persons having the custody of post funds; shall hear the reports of post committee chairpersons; and shall have charge of and be responsible for the administration of the affairs of this post.
Section 1. Duties of Post Commander: It shall be the duty of the post commander to
preside at all meetings of the post and to have supervision over the business and affairs of
the post, and such officer shall be the chief executive officer of the post. S/he shall
approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall be responsible for an
annual report covering the business of the post for the year, and recommendations for the
ensuring year, which shall be made available at the annual meeting and a copy thereof
immediately forwarded to the Arizona Department adjutant. S/he may perform other
duties as directed by the post.OFFICERS DUTIES
Section 2. Duties of Vice Commander(s): The vice commanders, in numerical order, shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of commander in his/her absence or disability or when called upon by the post commander.
Section 3. Duties of Post Adjutant: The adjutant shall have charge of and keep a full and correct record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep such records as the Department and National may require, render reports of membership annually or when called upon at a meeting, and under direction of the commander handle all correspondence of the post.
Section 4. Duties of the Finance Officer: The finance officer of the post shall have charge of all finances and see that they are safely deposited in a local bank or banks and shall report once a month to the executive committee the condition of the finances of the post, with such recommendations as s/he may deem expedient or necessary for raising funds with which to carry on the activities of the post. S/he may sign all checks disbursing the moneys of the post. S/he shall furnish such surety bonds in such sum as shall be fixed by the post Executive Committee.
Section 5. Duties of the Judge Advocate: The judge advocate shall provide procedural advice in the conduct of post business at all meetings. S/he may be the guardian of the constitutional form of post governance, may assist post officers and committees in legal matters, and may arrange for auditing of post financial records.
Section 6. Duties of the Post Service Officer: The post service officer shall be responsible for bringing to the attention of all veterans and their dependents the rights and benefits granted them by law. The service officer shall know how to access and utilize the expert services available through Legion channels to community agencies and the Department of Veterans Affairs. S/he shall submit all pertinent information in a timely matter to full-time professionals to insure every veteran and/or dependent is adequately represented in and by the veteran support system. The service officer’s report may be a standard part of every meeting. .
Section 7. Duties of Post Historian: The post historian shall be charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members, and shall perform such other duties as may properly pertain to the office as may be determined by the post or the executive committee.
Section 8. Duties of Post Chaplain: The post chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the post comrades and may offer divine but non-sectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., adhere to such ceremonial rituals as are recommended by the national or department headquarters from time to time.
Section 9. Duties of Sergeant-at-Arms: The sergeant-at-arms shall preserve order at all meetings and shall perform such other duties as s/he may be from time to time assigned by the executive committee.
Section 1. Delegates and alternates to a department convention shall be elected by ballot by
the post at a regular meeting of the post to be held at least forty five (45) days prior to the
date of such convention.DELEGATES
Section 2. Financial expenditures related to their duties as delegates and/or alternates may be reimbursed from post funds as shall be determined by the executive committee.
Section 1. The Post Commander immediately upon taking office each year shall appoint
the standing committees, which may include but is not limited to: Americanism, Bingo
Ceremonials, Children and Youth, Economic, Finance, Graves Registration and
Memorial, House and Entertainment, Legislative, Membership, Public Relations, and
Security Committees. Such standing committees shall consist of such members and the
chairperson thereof as shall be designated by the post commander. The post commander
may also appoint advisers to the post’s approved auxiliaries, including but not limited to
the American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion (S.A.L.), American Legion
Section 2. Americanism Committee: The Americanism Committee shall be charged with the oversight and implementation of patriotism and good citizenship by arranging for proper observance of patriotic occasions, encouraging patriotic and civic instruction in schools, encouraging the Americanization of aliens; and discouraging anti-American propaganda. This may include but is not limited to education of the general public in American ideals through public forums and activities.
Section 3. Bingo Committee: The Bingo Committee shall be charged with the oversight and implementation of all matters pertaining to bingo and shall maintain all records and deposit all money into the bingo checking account. The committee shall insure that everyone that works bingo has on file the proper affidavit of the State of Arizona Bingo Commission as required by law. A bingo spokesperson shall report monthly to the executive committee and members of the post the financial details of the bingo checking account and other bingo-related matters as it may be directed to provide.
Section 4. Boys State Committee: The Boys State Committee shall be charged with the oversight and implementation of all matters pertaining to the implementation of The American Legion Boys State Program in coordination with the Arizona Department Boys State Committee.
Section 5. Ceremonial Committee: The Ceremonial Committee shall insure that all new members are properly initiated. The committee shall also be responsible for proper presentation of other rituals as outlined in the Manual of Ceremonies, including but not limited to burial detail and the wearing of Legion regalia. It may supervise a Color Guard/Honor Guard that performs any or all such functions.
Section 6. Children and Youth Committee: The Children and Youth Committee shall be charged with aid and service to children of veterans, cooperating with other established agencies in the community; laboring for the betterment of child conditions and in coordinating services and agencies in the community for the above purposes. It may act as intermediary for the needy child of a veteran in obtaining the fulfillment of the Legions pledge that any child of a war veteran shall have the necessities of life.
Section 7. Economic Committee: The Economic Committee shall be concerned with veteran’s employment rights, including but not limited to veteran preference compliance in private and government employment and reemployment opportunities.
Section 8. Finance Committee: The Finance Committee shall be charged with the oversight and legal and proper implementation of all aspects of post finances, including but not limited to accounting for all income and expenditures and the preparation of budget recommendations.
Section 9. Graves and Registration Committee: The Registration and Graves Committee shall be charged with the recording of the location of all veteran graves in cemeteries within the district of the post. This committee may construct and keep up to date plot maps of every cemetery where veterans are buried, and may locate upon these maps all veteran graves. The committee shall stand ready to function on Memorial Day, and at all other occasions when their services may be requested by the post commander.
Section 10. House and Entertainment Committee: The House and Entertainment Committee shall be charged with oversight of all matters pertaining to functions in and use of the physical facilities of this post, and shall bring any concerns it may have to the executive committee for resolution.
Section 11. Legislative Committee: The Legislative Committee shall have knowledge of what is happening in the state legislature and national congress; what the American Legion favors or opposes, and shall be ready to initiate action in support of such positions when requested by the national or department organization only as shall be approved by the executive committee.
Section 12. Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall be charged with the oversight and implementation of all matters pertaining to the membership of the post, including but not limited to the procuring of new members, reinstatement and eligibility of members, and involving members in post committee functions..
Section 13. Public Relations Committee: The Public Relations Committee shall be charged with the promotion of public support of the American Legion’s programs by locally publicizing post functions and establishing proper contact with the American Legion Magazine, Department and National Legion News Service.
Section 14. Security Committee: The Security Committee shall be charged with working with and coordinating Legion efforts with the local civil defense organizations on matters pertaining to national, civilian, and home defenses. It may assist the armed forces of the United States in recruiting efforts and in every way be active in community activities for the defense of the nation and the security of the American home.
Section 1. All resolutions of state or national scope presented for post approval by a
member or a committee shall merely embody the opinion of this post on the subject. A
copy of each resolution shall be forwarded to the District before submitting it to the
Arizona Department for its approval prior to any publicity being released for other than
mere passage by the post.RESOLUTIONS
Section 2. All resolutions of local scope presented for post approval by a member or a committee shall not be publicized in any manner prior to post approval.
Section 1. The Regular Meetings of the post shall be held no later than the end of the
second week of each month at which time shall be transacted such business as may
properly be brought up for action; such meetings may be converted into entertainment
meetings, as shall be decided by the executive committee.MEETINGS
Section 2. The Executive Committee Meetings may be held as needed to discuss items to be brought before the membership at the regular meeting of the post.
Section 3. The Post Commander or a majority of the executive committee shall have power to call a Special Meeting of the post at any time. Such meetings shall be required to have a quorum present prior to conducting any post business. Five (5) members in addition to the officers present shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. Funds to sustain post business shall be derived from the annual membership
dues and other sources as may be approved by the Executive Committee.POST FINANCE
Section 2. The monies received from the post’s bar, facility rental, events, and bingo games shall be used for the running and upkeep of the Legion Hall and for activities of the post, except as otherwise approved by the post membership.
Section 1. Every member shall furnish the Post Adjutant with a US Mail and/or email
address for mailing purposes.NOTICES
Section 2. The Post Adjutant shall cause notices of the Annual Elections and/or Special Meetings to be provided to all members at least fifteen (15) days prior to their being held.
Section 1. All regular meetings of this post shall be conducted under and pursuant to
revised Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular post meeting by a vote of twothirds
of the members of said post attending such regular meeting, and that written notice
shall have been given to all members at least 30 days in advance of the date when such
amendment is to be voted upon.Section 2. These Bylaws are adopted subject to the provisions of the National Bylaws of The American Legion and the Department of Arizona Bylaws. Any amendment to said National or Department Bylaws which is in conflict with any provision hereof shall be regarded as automatically repealing or modifying these Bylaws to the extent of such conflict.
Approved By Post Commander ____________________________________
First Vice Commander ____________________________________
Adjutant ____________________________________
On This Day ____________________________________________________________
Saturday, August 1, 2015
The Northerner: August - September 2015
Summer Greetings to everyone. I have to give thanks to everyone first that
works constantly at our Post. We have and Ken Muns, along with Recon
Steve who are redoing major plumbing work in our kitchen. We also have
Shaun Eatherly as our new Vice Commander and Jake Phelps as Sergeantat-Arms
and E-Board member. I thank them for their work and service to
our great country. It's great to have Ken Muns as our Senior Vice and that
young guy Shaun as one of our wonderful bartenders. We are blessed again
to have Betty Luther as Finance officer and Scott Woods as Adjutant, big
Sean as Judge Advocate and his family. Freddi Sweeney aka Thompson
my personal darling and Bar manager. We have Mary McMillen as Events
Manager and Robert (aka Mac) working all the time especially calling on
our bingo nights. We also have Amy and Matthew beautiful offspring of
our members doing the fish fry for us. Don't forget to tip these folks, they
work very hard. Bev Muns has volunteered to be kitchen manager. God
bless her heart. When we have our Bingo nights and fish fry it would really
nice if our members who sit at the bar and do nothing take an interest for
1or 2 hours and help the Post out. I hope I left no one out. Thank you.
For God and Country, Michael Nigg
BINGO COMMITTEE: Bingo STILL needs volunteers to run the games AND work in the kitchen. The present crew is tired and in danger of being burned out. Please find it in your heart to come in and help, even just occasionally.
Robert “Mac” McMillen
Bingo Manager
From The Finance Officer: The Financial report as of July 20th: Our post is staying above water. The membership account has $1050.44. The Bingo account has $5108.74. The General operating fund has $2043.75. Thanks to all the folks who work so hard and together! :)
Betty Luther
Finance Officer
From the Auxiliary: Ladies, we are now starting our new year. We have new officers who are ready to get started.
President - Bev Muns
First Vice-President - Betty Luther
Second Vice-President - Mary McMillen
Secretary - Grace Thompson
Treasurer - Margaret Jaramillo
Chaplain - Rita Rodriguez
Sergeant-at-Arms - Karen Horn
Congratulations to all our new officers. We meet on Thursday night after the second Tuesday. Our next meeting will be August 13th at 6:00, then on September 10th. We are hoping for a new and exciting year. Please come and join us. Also, with the new year, it’s time to pay our dues for the coming year. Seniors are $25.00 ND Juniors are $7.50. So send them while you are thinking about it. Have a great day.
Bev Muns
Auxiliary President
From The Senior Vice: It’s that time of year again, the start of our new year. We have lots of new things planned for this year. First things first; It’s time to renew your membership. The dues will be going up in January, so save money and renew now, only $30.00. What a deal! Help us make our goal. Stop by and see what going on. Come by and play bingo on Sunday or Wednesday. Try the fish fry on Friday. We would love to see and bring your family and friends.
Ken Muns
Senior Vice
ELECTION RESULTS: Your new Post Officers for the year 2015-2016 are:
Commander: Michael Nigg
Senior Vice Commander: Ken Muns
Junior Vice Commander: Shaun Eatherly
Finance Officer: Betty Luther
Executive Committee: John Thomson, Jacob Phelps Robert (Mac) McMillen
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jacob Phelps
Bar Committee: Sean Eatherly
Congratulations to all!!
SAL ELECTION RESULTS: Your New Officers for the 2015-2016 year are:
Commander: Scotty Sell
Senior Vice: Brady Budman
Junior Vice: Michael Brabeck
Sergeant-At-Arms: Jimmy Dublois
LAST WORD: The 2016 Membership season has started, and new cards are going out already. Please note, we’re going to be discussing RAISING MEMBERSHIP DUES, so stay tuned for more info, and, if you want to beat any increases, PAY YOUR DUES BEFORE DECEMBER 31ST!! Also, we’re going to be updating and likely changing the Bylaws, so if you have an interest in that process, please make yourself known and volunteer for that committee. Meanwhile, the newsletter, calendars, and other info on upcoming events can be found on our website,
Scott Woods
For God and Country, Michael Nigg
BINGO COMMITTEE: Bingo STILL needs volunteers to run the games AND work in the kitchen. The present crew is tired and in danger of being burned out. Please find it in your heart to come in and help, even just occasionally.
Robert “Mac” McMillen
Bingo Manager
From The Finance Officer: The Financial report as of July 20th: Our post is staying above water. The membership account has $1050.44. The Bingo account has $5108.74. The General operating fund has $2043.75. Thanks to all the folks who work so hard and together! :)
Betty Luther
Finance Officer
From the Auxiliary: Ladies, we are now starting our new year. We have new officers who are ready to get started.
President - Bev Muns
First Vice-President - Betty Luther
Second Vice-President - Mary McMillen
Secretary - Grace Thompson
Treasurer - Margaret Jaramillo
Chaplain - Rita Rodriguez
Sergeant-at-Arms - Karen Horn
Congratulations to all our new officers. We meet on Thursday night after the second Tuesday. Our next meeting will be August 13th at 6:00, then on September 10th. We are hoping for a new and exciting year. Please come and join us. Also, with the new year, it’s time to pay our dues for the coming year. Seniors are $25.00 ND Juniors are $7.50. So send them while you are thinking about it. Have a great day.
Bev Muns
Auxiliary President
From The Senior Vice: It’s that time of year again, the start of our new year. We have lots of new things planned for this year. First things first; It’s time to renew your membership. The dues will be going up in January, so save money and renew now, only $30.00. What a deal! Help us make our goal. Stop by and see what going on. Come by and play bingo on Sunday or Wednesday. Try the fish fry on Friday. We would love to see and bring your family and friends.
Ken Muns
Senior Vice
ELECTION RESULTS: Your new Post Officers for the year 2015-2016 are:
Commander: Michael Nigg
Senior Vice Commander: Ken Muns
Junior Vice Commander: Shaun Eatherly
Finance Officer: Betty Luther
Executive Committee: John Thomson, Jacob Phelps Robert (Mac) McMillen
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jacob Phelps
Bar Committee: Sean Eatherly
Congratulations to all!!
SAL ELECTION RESULTS: Your New Officers for the 2015-2016 year are:
Commander: Scotty Sell
Senior Vice: Brady Budman
Junior Vice: Michael Brabeck
Sergeant-At-Arms: Jimmy Dublois
LAST WORD: The 2016 Membership season has started, and new cards are going out already. Please note, we’re going to be discussing RAISING MEMBERSHIP DUES, so stay tuned for more info, and, if you want to beat any increases, PAY YOUR DUES BEFORE DECEMBER 31ST!! Also, we’re going to be updating and likely changing the Bylaws, so if you have an interest in that process, please make yourself known and volunteer for that committee. Meanwhile, the newsletter, calendars, and other info on upcoming events can be found on our website,
Scott Woods
Monday, June 1, 2015
The Northerner: June - July 2015
FROM YOUR POST COMANDER: Well, another Election and a new year to begin soon. I want to thank everyone for their hard work and endless hours of dedication to our post and the American Legion. I appreciate all the time and members who have cleaned out and organized our store rooms and office. The office looks amazing, your efficiency is also amazing. So much has been accomplished. I look forward to another year as your Commander. It is an honor and privilege. I am still learning and have learned much thanks to all of you and others. Thank You.
For God and Country, Michael Nigg
From the Jr. Vice Commander: The cold winter is gone and spring is in the air which means lots of post events are around the corner. The Fourth of July we will celebrate with a pancake breakfast, followed by the parade downtown. Please be sure to check the calendar for all other meetings and events. As this legion year is coming to a close I want to thank all of the officers and members for making this a most interesting and eventful year. I wish the newly elected officers best wishes for a successful year.
For God and Country,
Ken Grover
Jr. Vice Commander
From The Finance Officer: The Financial report as of May 19th: General Fund, $3652.92 Membership, $794.28 Bingo fund $5470.67. Thank you to everyone for all the help in keeping our post in the Black.
Betty Luther
Finance Officer
From The Ladies’ Auxiliary: Hi ladies: We are on the verge of a new year here at the legion. Our new officers for the coming year are: Bev Muns President, Betty Luther 1st Vice President, Mary McMillan 2nd Vice President, Margaret Jarmillo Treasurer, Karen Horn Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain to be announced. Our meeting is on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00. Please feel free to come join us. Drop by the legion and check out the changes that are being made.
Bev Muns
Auxiliary President
BINGO COMMITTEE: Bingo STILL needs volunteers to run the games AND work in the kitchen. The present crew is tired and in danger of being burned out. Please fin it in your heart to come in and help, even just occasionally.
Robert “Mac” McMillen
Bingo Manager
LAST WORD: We have over 500 dues-paying members, but only 19 people showed up to vote during our recent election. Isn’t that sad? We have some GREAT events and opportunities coming up this summer, including a visit from William Shatner, the original Captain Kirk from the TV and movie series STAR TREK, on June 28th , and we’d like him to meet as many members as possible! ( Please start taking an interest and spending some of your valuable time in your Post, and see and hear first-hand what’s going on. Meanwhile, the newsletter, calendars, and other info on upcoming events can be found on our website,
Scott Woods
ELECTION RESULTS: Your new Post Officers for the year 2015-2016 are:
Commander: Michael Nigg
Senior Vice Commander: Ken Muns
Junior Vice Commander: TBA
Finance Officer: Betty Luther
Executive Committee: John Thomson, Jacob Phelps, Robert (Mac) McMillen
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jacob Phelps
Bar Committee: Sean Eatherly
Congratulations to all!!
For God and Country, Michael Nigg
From the Jr. Vice Commander: The cold winter is gone and spring is in the air which means lots of post events are around the corner. The Fourth of July we will celebrate with a pancake breakfast, followed by the parade downtown. Please be sure to check the calendar for all other meetings and events. As this legion year is coming to a close I want to thank all of the officers and members for making this a most interesting and eventful year. I wish the newly elected officers best wishes for a successful year.
For God and Country,
Ken Grover
Jr. Vice Commander
From The Finance Officer: The Financial report as of May 19th: General Fund, $3652.92 Membership, $794.28 Bingo fund $5470.67. Thank you to everyone for all the help in keeping our post in the Black.
Betty Luther
Finance Officer
From The Ladies’ Auxiliary: Hi ladies: We are on the verge of a new year here at the legion. Our new officers for the coming year are: Bev Muns President, Betty Luther 1st Vice President, Mary McMillan 2nd Vice President, Margaret Jarmillo Treasurer, Karen Horn Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain to be announced. Our meeting is on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00. Please feel free to come join us. Drop by the legion and check out the changes that are being made.
Bev Muns
Auxiliary President
BINGO COMMITTEE: Bingo STILL needs volunteers to run the games AND work in the kitchen. The present crew is tired and in danger of being burned out. Please fin it in your heart to come in and help, even just occasionally.
Robert “Mac” McMillen
Bingo Manager
LAST WORD: We have over 500 dues-paying members, but only 19 people showed up to vote during our recent election. Isn’t that sad? We have some GREAT events and opportunities coming up this summer, including a visit from William Shatner, the original Captain Kirk from the TV and movie series STAR TREK, on June 28th , and we’d like him to meet as many members as possible! ( Please start taking an interest and spending some of your valuable time in your Post, and see and hear first-hand what’s going on. Meanwhile, the newsletter, calendars, and other info on upcoming events can be found on our website,
Scott Woods
ELECTION RESULTS: Your new Post Officers for the year 2015-2016 are:
Commander: Michael Nigg
Senior Vice Commander: Ken Muns
Junior Vice Commander: TBA
Finance Officer: Betty Luther
Executive Committee: John Thomson, Jacob Phelps, Robert (Mac) McMillen
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jacob Phelps
Bar Committee: Sean Eatherly
Congratulations to all!!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
The Northerner: April - May 2015
I received an E-mail from the Department Commander, asking to submit a
person for Volunteer of the Year. Of course, with our Post this is impossible.
All of us are volunteers, and I can’t count or keep up with how many hours
our regular members contribute. Whether you are retired or still working,
volunteering here is a full time job. We lean on each other and help one
another to make everything work. I believe our Post family is blessed,
because we have faith in one another. We truly love our Post, God, and
Country. We move forward, don’t look back or throw stones. So, with no
disrespect to anyone, I submit all our regulars as Volunteers of the Year!
For God and Country,
Michael Nigg
Post Commander
From the Jr. Vice Commander I want to thank all those who helped to make this years Dept. Commanders’ Diner a success. All attendees really enjoyed the evening fare. Once again thanks to all. It is also appreciated that those sitting in the lounge and not actually taking part in the event were so cooperative with the TV volume being turned down from time to time. On the 4th of April an Easter egg hunt was held at the post and Wheeler Park. In May we will be busy at the end of the month getting ready to place flags on the graves of our veterans the Saturday before Memorial Day. As you know we are decorating a tree for the various holidays during the year. For Memorial Day we would like to place pictures of your loved one or friends who may have passed. Armed Forces Day we well be having the parade. There is a good chance that we will have a larger trailer to use as a float. Anyone interested in participating in the parade or any other post activity contact any of the post officers. April 14th is our monthly meeting; At this meeting we will start taking nominations for post officers. Nominations will continue at the following post meeting with elections being held at that meeting. Elections must be held prior to State Convention at the end of June. June 14th is Flag Day and a Retirement Ceremony will be held in the post parking lot. I trust everyone will have a safe and fun filled summer season and that all will be safe. Remember we will have our snow birds returning soon. Let’s be sure to give them a big welcome home.
Jr. Vice Commander
BINGO COMMITTEE: We are happy to say that we have been able to pay off all of the bills that we had inherited from the last administration. The Bingo is now making a profit thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Bingo Crew. We have a very dedicated group of Auxiliary members; Margret Jaramillo, Beverly Muns, Mary McMillen and the Post Finance Officer, Betty Luther, who works tirelessly making Bingo Night Specials in the kitchen. Our team has worked very hard to make Bingo a success, but we need some HELP. One or two hours a week or even a month would be a big help. Please help us to help the Post. Thank You All For Your Service
Robert “Mac” McMillen
Bingo Manager
MEMBERSHIP DUES: The 2015 Membership Cards are in and you can pay your dues for the following year at any time. You can either mail them in, pay on line or bring them by the Post. The dues are still $30.00 per year
LAST WORD: We have over 500 dues-paying members, but only about 15 people actually show up and DO anything at the Post. For instance, Bingo is a Legion function, yet it is being primarily run and supported by the Auxiliary. Similarly, the SAL’s ALLECA program has been manned and run by the Legion for the last 3 years because no one from the SAL except the Commander could find the time to show up. This is unacceptable and shameful. I have five words for those of you who criticize, complain, and critique, yet never find the time to actually assist: STEP UP OR SHUT UP! Meanwhile, the newsletter, calendars, and other info on upcoming events can be found on our website,
Scott Woods Adjutant
For God and Country,
Michael Nigg
Post Commander
From the Jr. Vice Commander I want to thank all those who helped to make this years Dept. Commanders’ Diner a success. All attendees really enjoyed the evening fare. Once again thanks to all. It is also appreciated that those sitting in the lounge and not actually taking part in the event were so cooperative with the TV volume being turned down from time to time. On the 4th of April an Easter egg hunt was held at the post and Wheeler Park. In May we will be busy at the end of the month getting ready to place flags on the graves of our veterans the Saturday before Memorial Day. As you know we are decorating a tree for the various holidays during the year. For Memorial Day we would like to place pictures of your loved one or friends who may have passed. Armed Forces Day we well be having the parade. There is a good chance that we will have a larger trailer to use as a float. Anyone interested in participating in the parade or any other post activity contact any of the post officers. April 14th is our monthly meeting; At this meeting we will start taking nominations for post officers. Nominations will continue at the following post meeting with elections being held at that meeting. Elections must be held prior to State Convention at the end of June. June 14th is Flag Day and a Retirement Ceremony will be held in the post parking lot. I trust everyone will have a safe and fun filled summer season and that all will be safe. Remember we will have our snow birds returning soon. Let’s be sure to give them a big welcome home.
Jr. Vice Commander
BINGO COMMITTEE: We are happy to say that we have been able to pay off all of the bills that we had inherited from the last administration. The Bingo is now making a profit thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Bingo Crew. We have a very dedicated group of Auxiliary members; Margret Jaramillo, Beverly Muns, Mary McMillen and the Post Finance Officer, Betty Luther, who works tirelessly making Bingo Night Specials in the kitchen. Our team has worked very hard to make Bingo a success, but we need some HELP. One or two hours a week or even a month would be a big help. Please help us to help the Post. Thank You All For Your Service
Robert “Mac” McMillen
Bingo Manager
MEMBERSHIP DUES: The 2015 Membership Cards are in and you can pay your dues for the following year at any time. You can either mail them in, pay on line or bring them by the Post. The dues are still $30.00 per year
LAST WORD: We have over 500 dues-paying members, but only about 15 people actually show up and DO anything at the Post. For instance, Bingo is a Legion function, yet it is being primarily run and supported by the Auxiliary. Similarly, the SAL’s ALLECA program has been manned and run by the Legion for the last 3 years because no one from the SAL except the Commander could find the time to show up. This is unacceptable and shameful. I have five words for those of you who criticize, complain, and critique, yet never find the time to actually assist: STEP UP OR SHUT UP! Meanwhile, the newsletter, calendars, and other info on upcoming events can be found on our website,
Scott Woods Adjutant
Saturday, February 21, 2015
AVB Dinner
The first annual Arizona
Brewers and Veterans (ABV) Dinner was held on February 21, 2015 at Mark A. More
Post #3, The American Legion. This
culinary and hopped up beverage experience was dedicated to supporting Veteran
Causes in Northern Arizona.
The idea behind this extraordinary extravaganza was led by
Jamie Thousands of Satchmo’s and
Eva Rupert of the The State Bar, and
a recent contestant on the Discovery
Channel Show Naked and Afraid.
The concept started as a way to give back to the Veterans Community of Northern Arizona by tying into the end of Arizona Beer Week.
The concept started as a way to give back to the Veterans Community of Northern Arizona by tying into the end of Arizona Beer Week.
Jamie and Eva worked hand in hand with the Brew Masters
here in Flagstaff to create a 9 course culinary experience, paired with special
craft brews designed specifically for this event. This was the first time in
Flagstaff history, that all 6 Brewery’s and the new one, joined together for a
community event. We are proud to promote
the American Legion family, and be a hub for community gathering and outreach.
inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation;”
Sunday, February 1, 2015
The Northerner: February - March 2015
The Holidays are over, and we had a great Christmas Day and Dinner. I want to mention and give thanks to our very hard-working bartenders, Shirley and Grace, who will now be salaried; Thank You, Ladies, for all your dedication and hard work. As usual, to all our men and women who hold Post positions, I say Thank You, and also to all our volunteers. We are busy and active, so, may we always be blessed.
Michael Nigg
All current bills paid to date.
General Fund Account: $1569.23
Bingo Fund: $1010.09.
Membership Fund: $2503.22
Our bills are current but the general fund is day to day for bill paying
Betty Luther, Finance Officer
FROM YOUR JR. VICE: The post has had a very busy first six months of this legion year. As you may or may have not noticed there have been some changes made in the way business is conducted at the post. Most, of which, are for the better. Post activities are on the rise and are a lot of fun. I would ask that all members check the post web site for upcoming events. We are still looking for volunteers to assist with bingo and Friday Fish Fry. If anyone is interested please contact me via e-mail at I am sure that many of you have ideas or suggestions for events at the post. Please send them to the same e-mail address. Though it is the end of January it is time to think ahead for such events as Memorial Day for volunteers to assist with placing flags on veteran’s graves and the city observance ceremony at Citizens Cemetery at 1100. We hope to see you at the post and look forward to sharing in the good times. Ken Grover Junior Vice Commander, Past Commander and Kitchen Manager.
Please contact me for any events to be placed on calendar at 600-3338 anytime between 9am and 7 pm. I am also the person to speak to if you wish to rent the hall and am available to help plan Post functions.
Check the post calendar for upcoming events at the post. Please join us for the Fish Fry on Fridays and/or Bingo on Wednesday and Sunday to help support our post and its programs. Also, we have new events in February, like the Brickmania exhibition on Feb. 11th, and the Flagstaff Micro-Brewer’s Beer Pairing on Feb. 21st. Don’t miss these great additions to our regular schedule!
Mary McMillen
Events Manager
(928) 600-3338
Members of Mark A. Moore Squadron 3, we are in need of your help in upcoming events and meetings. The Squadron meets on the Second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 P.M. Please try and make one of the meetings and share your ideas and support the Squadron. The Squadron is helping out the Post with the Kitchen on Bingo Nights, so if you can spare a couple of hours please let me know. Become an involved member of your Squadron and support the Post.
William Peckham
Squadron Commander
Members of Mark A. Moore Post #3, please note that the Service Office is open to assist any Veteran that has questions about their V.A. Benefits or questions concerning your benefits. If you wish to make an appointment please call the Service Office at the Post. The Phone number is (928) 773-0084 Ext. 14. The Office is open every Friday from 11:00 until 2:00 P.M. Please call and make an appointment to see Edward Pennell, Service Officer. You can also contact Bob Reyes, Past Adjutant. He will be assisting Ed in the Service Office. He can be reached at the Service Office or via E-mail at He can also schedule your appointments to see Ed.
Ed Pennell
Service Officer
It takes more than 3% of the membership of any organization to make the unit function. Paying your annual dues is not enough. We need help to keep our Post thriving and moving forward. Please consider volunteering for Bingo, working in the kitchen during Bingo, helping out at the Friday fish fry, or attending the monthly Post meeting to see what’s going on. We need our members to be involved. For those who enjoy complaining and pointing out better ways to do things, I have an answer: STEP UP!
Also, if you or your organization have property stored at the Post, please make sure it is properly marked. We’re making lots of changes, and I don’t want to dispose of anyone else’s property by mistake.
Scott Woods
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